Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I learned all or most of what I know about Cajun or Creole cookin’ from my years of watching Justin Wilson, a Cajun chef, on cable TV back in the 80’s and early 90’s.  I can still hear him saying “I guarantee” in his Cajun accent as plain as if he was right in front of me.  Funny he always wore red suspenders and so did my Daddy … I’m pretty sure my Daddy starting wearing them after he started watching the show  … LOL … my Daddy loooooooved and admired the man and because of him … Daddy wasn’t afraid to try many a recipe!!!  Though my Daddy was an awesome cook … WHEN he got the recipe just right … however, we tasted many an experiment that wasn’t quite so good LOL … but hey … sometimes that’s how you come up with new creations!

Creole is pretty easy to make … course I say that about many types of cookin’ … the hardest part to cookin’ … to me, as to probably most who are reading this, is the prep work!!!  Most Cajun cookin’ starts with ‘trinity’ or ‘holy trinity’ which is equal amounts of Onion, Celery and Bell Peppers plus having some Tony Chachere’s on hand makes it easy!  My sister in law, who is from Louisiana told me about this seasoning and its perfect for most Cajun cookin’.

This is a quick and easy dish and oh so yummy … you control the heat from the spices! 


1 Onion, chopped
1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped
2-3 Stalks Celery, sliced
2 Tblsps Olive Oil
2 cans Diced Tomatoes
1 lb Cooked Shrimp or Chicken
Tony Chachere’s Seasoning (to taste)
Cooked White Rice

Heat Olive Oil in a large skillet on medium heat.  Add Onions, Peppers and Celery, sprinkle lightly with Sea Salt to bring out the sweetness in the veggies, and sautĂ© for about 10 minutes.  Add Tomatoes and sprinkle with Tony Chachere’s … a little goes a long way cause it’s pretty potent (HOT) … I used about 2 Tablespoons or so and that was PLENTY!  Remember you can add more after it cooks a little or at the table.  Let simmer about 10-15 minutes.  Add Cooked Shrimp or Chicken (I used Langostinos cause that’s what I had on hand) and cook another 10 minutes or so.  Serve over White Rice (we only use Basmati Rice). 

I DO NOT advise using canned shrimp or chicken!!!

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